A&A: Did Prop. 42 eliminate fees for public records?

Q: I’m trying to find out whether Prop 42 now requires local agencies to provide free access to public records or whether they are still allowed to charge for copies. Thank you, A: I do not read Prop. 42 as prohibiting public agencies from charging a reasonable fee to cover the direct cost of duplication of a public records, as permitted under Gov’t Code § 6253(b).  Please note that the Public Records Act has never permitted

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A&A: Help! Being sued For Yelp! Review

Q: I used a company here in Illinois on two occasions and was left with a far less than satisfactory experience both times. As such, I took to yelp! to leave my feedback. After posting the honest review, my attorney was contacted and informed that I am being sued for defamation. My simple review sticks the the facts and alleges nothing that documentation will not back up. The problem is that I may incur exorbitant legal fees. I’m

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FAC Seeks Nominations for 2014 Free Speech & Open Government Award

The First Amendment Coalition is soliciting nominees for the FAC Free Speech & Open Government Award, given each year for performance of exemplary work in the arena of open government. Qualifications for the award are outstanding accomplishment, service or other contributions to “the people’s right to know” about government. The winner could be a journalist, blogger, lawyer, news organization (print or digital), software developer or community activist. We wish to recognize an individual or institution

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A&A: Can CA Alcoholic Beverage Control withhold documents?

Q: I have tried for over a year to get certain documents from the California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to no avail. I have a lot of backstory and email exchanges. I also have a lot of experience through activism and advocacy regarding their policies and am asking relatively clear questions and requesting data I believe, beyond any doubt, that they have but are not giving me access to. I am looking to go the

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A&A: Can I access a deceased relative’s employment records?

Q: I have read your FAQ section, but still cannot find an answer for my specific question, which is ”Why cant I have access to my deceased grandfather’s application data/birth information?” He is dead. Who is the information going to hurt? It is very frustrating trying to research historical genealogy information to pursue my roots when there are so many roadblocks! It seems hiring an attorney ($$$) will not help either? Thanks for any suggestions

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