A&A: Are blueprints of public buildings public under the CPRA?

Q: I was looking at looking at electrical plans from 1997 on the Dept. of Building and Safety’s computer. I took a few pictures of the screen and was told I could not do that and that I should know better. The permit tech said they are under copyright and I must have a letter from the entity that drew the plans and the owner of the building in order to do anything other than view them

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A&A: My CPRA requests have been ignored. What can I do?

Q: I recently filed CPRA requests with both the California Department of Justice. I am being ignored. These requests have to do with the hot-button issue of adult guardianships, information which the powers that be might not be too happy to release. Nevertheless, the Sunshine laws mandate disclosure. As I am being stonewalled, I am requesting input as to what I can do. A: Where a Public Records Act request is being ignored, I always suggest

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A&A: Threatened with expulsion for posting on public college online forum

Q: I posted some helpful information on a public college’s online-class forum and was threatened with expulsion. The forum is in an asynchronous online class where any student is allowed to share; not in a class-assignment area. I need advice on how to protect myself. A:  Your inquiry raises some interesting questions regarding the First Amendment and what is commonly referred to as “student speech.” While students do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression at

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A&A: State appointed School District Trustee violating Brown Act, CPRA

Q:  In October 2012 the State took over the school district and our School Board lost its authority. A State Trustee was appointed and he acts as the School Board. Our group has been monitoring the administration of the school district since April 2013. Since then we have observed numerous violations of the legislation authorizing the takeover of the school district SB 533, the California Education Code, the Public Contracts Code, the California Public Records

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A&A: Can CA legally charge fees for filming on private property?

Q: Is it legal for Los Angeles County to charge a fee to film on private property when no public roads or public services are needed? Isn’t this against constitutional rights to free speech? A: Pursuant to the Los Angeles County Code of Ordinances § 22.56.1925 (accessible here:http://ift.tt/1HS7PfA), an application for a temporary use (filming) permit must be filed for on-location filming within all unincorporated county areas, on both public and private property. However, it appears the provision of the

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