Watch Now! FAC & KPCC’s Pulling Back the Blue Curtain: When should we have access to police records?

You might want to put on welding goggles and spf 50 sunscreen because more than a few sparks fly when FAC’s Peter Scheer and KPCC’s Frank Stoltze ask the panel of law-enforcement-access experts: “How much access to police records is warranted; how much is too much?  KPCC’s crime and public safety correspondent Frank Stoltze moderated the lively, sometimes heated, discussion among the panel of law-enforcement access experts as they addressed the issues of privacy, transparency and access to police records. The event,

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A&A: How can I access records on decisions regarding promotions and tenure at UC?

Q: I’m working on a book that requires me to access records regarding the denial of support for a prominent University of California professor by his department’s promotion and tenure committee. I wish to obtain all documents related to this decision. Two questions: 1. Can I obtain them using FOIA? 2. Do I address the FOIA to the University of California’s department of medicine? Or to the Regents of the UC system? Or whom? A: You raise a

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A&A: Can I access attorney’s retainer agreement and invoices via the Public Records Act?

Q: Our local fire district and its former chief, a “retired CalPERS annuitant,” are involved in a judicial process contesting a pension amount owed due to “double dipping” The elected officials have held numerous closed sessions to discuss these legal matters. In an attempt to discover if the fire district is using taxpayer dollars to defend the chief’s portion of the CalPERS claim, I did a PRA request on  to view a number of invoices paid for

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A&A: Can they stop me from gathering signatures in a city-owned building?

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