Call for nominations 2015 FAC FOI Award

The First Amendment Coalition is soliciting nominees for the FAC Free Speech & Open Government Award, given each year for performance of exemplary work in the arena of open government. Qualifications for the award are outstanding accomplishment, service or other contributions to “the people’s right to know” about government. The winner, or winners, could be a journalist, blogger, lawyer, news organization (print or digital), software developer or community activist. We wish to recognize an individual or institution

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A&A: Does the Brown Act apply to city council appointed committees?

Q:  Does the Brown Act apply to city council appointed committees?  If it does, how is a city supposed to conduct the necessary extended deliberations critical to producing good decisions regarding (among other things) public services and expenditures of public funds? A: Whether the Brown Act’s meeting requirements apply to committees created by the city council depends on whether the particular committee may be defined as a “legislative body.” Under the Brown Act, a “legislative body”

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A&A: Can a newspaper be sued for the content of a letter to the editor?

Q: I am a owner and publisher of a local community newspaper. We printed a letter to the editor that named a person in the community and mentioned their family in regards to legal matters and other issues they were dealing with. Now the person the letter referenced is suing my newspaper, claiming defamation of character. Not sure what my rights are or if I should be worried. A: There are many defenses to defamation, though of course we’d

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A&A Can the city legally refuse to fulfill my request unless I use their form?

Q: My city will not fulfill a request for documents made via email.  They insist that I first fill out their request form. I have made email requests to other government entities for years and other than delays I have received my documents. Can the city legally refuse to fulfill my email request? Is there state code that I can site that prevents them from refusing to comply unless I fill out their form? A: I

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A&A: City Council editing public meeting videos

Q:  I went to a Police Commission hearing to file a complaint with the police department.  I spoke from a prepared speech. No one did a thing. At the end of the meeting no one addressed my request for a proper complaint. I then asked the chief of police three times for a complaint. He had an officer escort me into an interrogation room. They took my contact information. No recording as required or the triplicate form. I go online and

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