A&A: How can Ebay censor my listing to sell Confederate Flag belt buckles?

Q: I sell belt buckles that depict the Confederate flag. I pay Ebay a monthly fee for an Ebay Store in addition to final value fees of 10% on each sale. Ebay removed my listings that contain the Flag and they have now sent me the following Email.  They are censoring me as an independent business owner. They have no business sticking their noses into my business and telling me what I can or cannot sell. Subject:

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A&A: Deadline missed for CPRA request. What should we do next?

Q: On August 12 we requested public records under the CPRA from our Joint School District. We gave them the 10-day request for records. On August 21 the school district wrote us asking for a 14-day extension and then listed the date as Tuesday, Sept 8 to respond to us. Today is Sept 9th and we have not received anything, no documentation and no communication from the school district. They are in violation. Where can we report

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A&A: City misses CPRA request deadlines “due to staff vacancies”?

Q: My friend and I first requested financial records for two affordable housing projects receiving government subsidies on August 19. The City responded on August 27 informing us that due to staff vacancies they could not fulfill our request, and that they would provide a status update by October 1. On September 4, we responded to the City via email, requesting that we be given access to the subject records or copies of these records by September

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A&A: If I painted a message on a building I own, can I be charged for creating illegal graffiti?

Q: In Maryland, the state statute defines graffiti as illicit painting on an exterior wall. Baltimore City defines graffiti as any spray painting on an exterior building. On my own property, I created political speech by spray painting messages on the side of my building. Even though, I own the building and the City officials know I own it, the city of Baltimore has issued me a housing code violation for graffiti. The artwork has

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A&A: How can we make CSUniversity produce public records withheld without explanation?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Q: We are seeking assistance to obtain public records (under the Public Records Act and McKee Transparency Act) that have not been produced. Over the past 36 months, University Counsel at a California State University has consistently failed to fulfill their obligations under the California Public Records Act and McKee Transparency Act. While they have produced some of the records requested, all of the records are not being produced. (We have evidence of this). A group

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