A&A: Can Police Chief sit on dias at a Police Commission meeting

Q: My question: The Police Commission has the unfortunate practice of allowing the Chief of Police to sit on the dais with them when they meet. What I’m wondering is, is it legal for him to remain empaneled with them when they go into “closed session” (i.e. secret meeting where members of the public are told to leave the room)? A: The Brown Act serves to facilitate public participation in all phases of local government decision-making, and

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FAC Free Speech & Open Government Award winners honored at Cal Press Foundation 138th Annual Dinner Banquet

The 2015 recipients of the Free Speech & Open Government Award competition were honored Thursday, December 3 at the California Press Foundation’s 138th Annual Meeting in San Francisco. The two winners of this year’s awards used different methods to accomplish their goals ­­one upholding the finest traditions of community journalism and the other demonstrating the effectiveness of citizen activism in holding officials accountable. They are both equally deserving of public honor and emulation for their advancement of

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A&A: CPRA request for disclosure of evidence related to School District misconduct case

Q: I am a former public school teacher who was accused of misconduct. I signed a settlement September 2014 in order to resign from the district. Now my case is coming up for review with the CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing. I believe materials provided by the School District have been falsified. I submitted a CPRA request on June 18, 2015, received the ten-day letter on July 10, 2015, but still have not received the requested records.

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A&A: CPRA request for animal shelter euthanasia log redact staff members names

Q: California animal shelters use sodium pentobarbital to perform euthanasia on shelter animals by lethal injection. Sodium pentobarbital is a Class 3 controlled substance, and consequently, its use is regulated by state and federal law. Shelters are required to keep a log of euthanasia performed in order to keep track of the usage of the controlled drug. Each line of the log contains the dosage administered, the bottle number, the amount remaining in the bottle,

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A&A: Does Brown Act allow School District, City to negotiate millions in fees in closed session?

Q: Our Unified School District has negotiated over $30 million in developer fees since 2005 during closed session that should otherwise be discussed in open session. In reviewing the Brown Act, it appears only property negotiations–such as terms and price for the purchase and sale–are subject to closed session. My question is can the school district keep negotiation of developer fees with a third party home/commercial developer secret behind closed session when such fees are derived on

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