A&A: First Amendment rights on college campuses

Q: I have run into some First Amendment issues on my college campus. My participation in basic First Amendment activity has resulted in threats of disciplinary action and I also have been denied access to public records. Do First Amendment rights apply to college campuses? A: The First Amendment generally applies only to restrictions on speech by government actors; accordingly, the following analysis applies only to public schools, not private institutions. Campus speech involves all

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A&A: Can cities withhold public access to calendars?

Q: My City is planning to build a large in-patient psychiatric hospital less than 600 feet from a high school. So far there have been zero safety assessments and yet the City is trying to push it through. We figured this out via a PRA request and subsequently I’ve been making several PRAs – I received a response today and asked for access to the City’s calendars. Without providing any description as to why, they exempted

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A&A: Do agenda posting times count business days only?

Q: I understand that the Brown Act requires that agendas  be made public 72 hours in advance of a meeting. Is that 72 business hours or could posting on a Friday morning (ahead of a Monday meeting) be sufficient notice? This notice would be posted at a California Public Charter School. A: As you seem to be aware, the Brown Act requires legislative bodies to post an agenda for all meetings “at least 72 hours before

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Latest FAC suit secures release of Sonoma County Superbowl Contract

FAC’s latest lawsuit—a Public Records Act suit against Sonoma County—-has ended successfully, with the county disclosing a complete, unredacted copy of a contract to promote tourism in connection with the Super Bowl. In denying PRA requests for the contract submitted by local news media and FAC, the county said the contract was exempt because it contained trade secrets. Further, the county said the contract—-between the county tourist bureau and the Host Committee for the Super

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A&A: Are school district “fact-finding” committee meetings public?

Q: One of the school districts I cover is considering closing a school. At first the superintendent announced they were closing a school at a board meeting, but after a huge amount of public uproar he backpedaled and said there would be public hearings before a decision is made. The district has set up a fact-finding committee to look at things like declining enrollment numbers in the area, fiscal impact and the impact on academic

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