Asked & Answered

A&A: Can I access history of code violations using the CPRA?

Q: I filed a code violation complaint in 2005 because of hoarding and abandoned vehicles on a neighbor’s easement.  Many things have transpired since but I cannot get an answer to why the County did not simply warn the owner; clean up and bill him as muni. code states & as building inspector has told me is normally the case. This is a mentally ill individual who has many restraining orders against him by County

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A&A: City finds many ways to deny CPRA requests for emails

Q: My newspaper has had difficulty accessing City emails via public records requests. Our city has a written policy of only making available email from the city server (city manager, city finance director, etc.) for a 30 day time period from the date of the submission of the public record request. PRA requests are repeatedly denied for documents (specifically email) outside the 30-day window even though that email still exists on city servers and are

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A&A: Does Brown Act apply to nonprofit and government agency overlap?

Q:  A nonprofit 501c3 foundation was set up to raise money for a public agency, incorporates the name of the agency into its name, uses the agency’s facilities and relies on the agency to act in the capacity of employer of its staff. Is it arguably a public agency, and as such subject to CPRA? A: The Public Records Act, borrowing the definition from the Brown Act, applies only to nonprofit organizations that either: Were

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A&A: Public records request run around from housing authority

Q: We requested a copy of a payment performance bond from the city’s Housing Authority for a general contractor that we did work for as a sub. We also requested a copy of the contract and were told we would have to pay for it and it could take 2-3 weeks. We are trying to obtain this information because the general contractor has not paid us and we need this information to try and get

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A&A: Councilmembers texting during meeting a Brown Act violation?

Q: We have noticed a new trend during City Council meetings. We are seeing council and staff texting/emailing to each other while on the dais. This is occurring during the public comment item of the meeting and includes the city attorney. We would like to CPRA these texts but believe they will either claim they are not retained or are privileged. I don’t believe the council should be having a private conversation with the city

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