Asked & Answered

A&A: Is a Coordinating Committee exempt from the Brown Act?

Q: The elected Community Advisory Group, created under the Planning Department of my County, convenes a coordinating sub-committee to review the Advisory Group’s standing rules. The Coordinating Committee chairman does not follow Brown Act obligations (e.g. requirements for notice, agenda, etc.) because he maintains that the Committee is Ad Hoc. Is the Coordinating Committee subject to the stipulation of the Brown Act?  [su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#3df60e” color=”#0b0707″ size=”5″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″ desc=”Click Here!” class=”div

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A&A: Dental Board of California & the CPRA

Q: I’m a reporter working on a project about complications linked to sedation dentistry. The Dental Board of California refused my CPRA request for reports of dental complications pursuant to the Business and Professions Code 1680(z)(1-3). The Board maintains that these records are exempt under Government Code Section 6254(f). The Board contends that these reports are exempt because they are complaints or investigations compiled for licensing purposes. I believe the Board is wrong for two reasons:

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A&A: How to file a verified petition

Q: Under provisions of CPRA, I have been attempting to obtain a specific record that is part of my case-file with the state. All records I have requested have been sent except one with no reason given for its exclusion. I understand I can submit a “verified petition” with the superior court to issue a writ of mandate requiring the state to provide the requested information. Can you give me some guidance on how I

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A&A: Is County Fire Chief’s Association subject to CPRA?

Q: My County’s fire service is attempting to take over the emergency ambulance service contracted by the County (currently outsourced to private ambulance firms). I submitted a CPRA for the contract with the fire service consultant. The cities subsequently denied the contract or stated they were in contract negotiations and would not release. I have been informed the cities are using the County Fire Chief’s Association to handle the consultant contract. Can I submit a

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A&A: Inaccurate agenda information at County Board meeting

Q: Is it a Brown Act violation to intentionally provide false information on the agenda, agenda description, or supporting documents provided with the agenda for a County Board meeting? A: As you appear to be aware, the Brown Act requires legislative bodies to post an agenda for all meetings.  “At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the legislative body of the local agency, or its designee, shall post an agenda containing a brief general

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