Asked & Answered

Right to “inspect” public records?

Right to “inspect” public records? Q: Do I have the right to search a public agency’s records myself, or am I limited to having the agency provide me with specific information I request? A: You have a right to “inspect” public records during the office hours of the agency in question.  See Government Code sec. 6253.  The right to “inspect” is separate from the right to receive a “copy” — so you have a right

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CPRA request response time

CPRA request response time Q: I recently submitted a request for records under the California Public Records Act to a State University. I issued the request in hard format to the University and had the secretary date, stamp it and make a copy for me. I have not heard back from the University. According to the law they are required to notify me within ten business days. I called much later and they had no

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Recourse for ignored CPRA requests

Recourse for ignored CPRA requests Q: I’ve put in a Public Record request two months ago-and no response. I wrote again to them a month ago-no response. What’s my next step? A: The Public Records Act requires the public agency to respond in writing to your written request within 10 days.  (Cal. Government Code Secs. 6253 and 6255.)  It would appear that the agency did not comply with this requirement in this case.  We would

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Records of complaint relating to investigations of public employees/officials

Records of complaint relating to investigations of public employees/officials Q: One of my employees filed a sexual harassment complaint with the LA DWP against me and several of my coworkers. I asked for a copy of the complaint.  I was told that DWP does not like to give the complaint before the investigation. The investigation found no basis for the claim. Now, when I ask for a copy of the complaint, the LA DWP EEOS

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Can I publish public records? Confidential records of public importance?

Can I publish public records? Confidential records of public importance? Q: Can I upload court and legislative abstracts for cases –of which I have been involved- and the corresponding county ordinance and state laws used in these prosecutions, which are publicly accessible? Additionally, I want to upload one settlement agreement that has a confidentiality clause binding the County and the defendant to non-disclosure, a case of which I was not involved. The record, I believe,

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