Gov. Rell signs bill to protect senior citizens from Freedom of Information Act

Governor M. Jodi Rell today highlighted legislation that protects the privacy of senior citizens by exempting their personal information from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) disclosure requests of publicly operated senior centers.

July 22, 2010

By  The Middle Town Press
House Bill 5278, An Act Concerning Senior Centers and the Freedom of Information Act, excludes the disclosure of name, address, telephone number or e-mail address of anyone who is a member of, or enrolled in a program at a senior center that a public agency administers or sponsors.

“It is everyone’s right to hold public officials accountable for how taxpayer money is spent. What is not right – in fact – what can be downright dangerous is making certain information available to the wrong people,” Governor Rell said. “We all know there are unscrupulous individuals looking to prey on seniors and they will stop at nothing to get that information, even if it means hiding behind our FOI laws.”

Most senior centers in Connecticut are municipally operated and, according to the FOIA, are considered public agencies. The new law takes affect October 1, 2010.

“This bill upholds accountability and importance of our sunshine laws,” Governor Rell told a group of seniors at a ceremonial bill-signing at the Newington Senior & Disabled Center. “It is our hope it will keep certain shady characters in the dark when it comes to your private lives.”