Universities urged to keep local police out of protests

The recent pro-Palestinian protests have led universities to call in local police, eroding their legitimacy as a self-governing entity. Said John Thelin, University of Kentucky College of Education emeritus professor of higher education, “One has to think of an American college or university as a ‘city-state’ in which its legal protections and walls include the campus — grounds, buildings, structures facilities — as legally protected, along with a university’s rights to confer degrees. Calling in the police, as administrators did at Columbia, Dartmouth, UCLA and other schools, represents the break down of both rights and responsibilities within the campus as a chartered academic institution and community.” (WKYC, May 20, 2024. by Laurie Kellman and Jocelyn Gecker of The Associated Press)

Dr. Muhammad Babar in USA TODAY, May 20, 2024, who fled restraints growing up in Pakistan, argues against restricting campus free speech. “Suppression of peaceful protests will create a culture of fear and intimidation” he wrote, “and pit students against one another. Students will be hesitant to speak out against injustice or advocate for change for fear of backlash or retaliation. Suppression and oppression on college campuses can further divide our society and negatively impact our youth. It is crucial to create a safe and inclusive environment where all voices are heard, respected and valued.”

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