Nude painting removed from Marin Civic Center show for “accosting” worker

The Marin Arts Council has removed a painting by San Rafael artist Silvia Cossich Goodman from the council’s annual “member show” at the Marin Civic Center after one of the Center’s employees complained that she felt “accosted” by the painting, which she had to walk by every day.

Mona Miyasato, chief assistant county administrator, said the Center asked the Arts Council to take that painting down because “employees must not feel we’ve created a hostile work environment.”

According to the Mercury News story, Goodman, a painter and sculptor, reacted with disbelief to the rejection of her art.

“I was speechless, and at first I thought, This is a prank from one of my friends,” Goodman told the Mercury News of a phone call asking her to “get the painting out of Civic Center.”…I am just shocked that such censorship will be allowed right here in beautiful, so-called, liberal Marin.”

Read the story here: San Rafael artist riled after nude painting removed from Marin Civic Center gallery