Dan Gillmor: NYTimes turns blind eye to IPad App bans?

 iPad Does the NYTimes care that Apple bans Apps due to content? Dan Gillmor, FAC board member and  director of the Knight Center for Digital Media Entrepreneurship at Arizona State University, questions the nature of the two media giants’ relationship, but as he writes in his  Mediactive blog,  “I’ve received, after 11 days since first asking, the official word that the paper is “not going to comment.”  Gillmor is at no loss for words when considering the Times’ silence and the future of the  free press.-df

Complicating Relationships in Media: Apple, NY Times Dealings Raise Questions

Posted by Dan Gillmor


Recent days have reminded me of the many traits Apple and the New York Times share. Both are the best at what they do in certain domains. Each is emphatically elitist, and, in varying ways, self-confident to the point of arrogance. Neither is very transparent (though at least the Times has its Public Editor).

The differences, of course, are profound. In particular, there’s the business trajectory: Apple has reinvented itself several times, and lately has gone from triumph to triumph as a profit-making company. The Times Co.’s record in this regard is deeply mixed: Reinvention has come mostly at the edges, and the business has been heading downhill.

The affinities between Apple and the Times came into sharper focus in the past several weeks, but in ways that have raised some difficult and as-yet unanswered questions. Some background:…(LINK TO FULL STORY)