Securities Exchange Commission baselessly refusing to release documents

When a requester asked for copies from the SEC of internal news clips, the SEC cited the Copyright act as the statute allowing them to refuse the request, when, case law says the Copyright act may not be used to block access. -DB The FOIA Blog Commentary September 25, 2009 By Scott A. Hodes I have been informed that the SEC is blatantly ignoring FOIA Case Law and DOJ Guidance on basic requests for information;

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Civil liberties group gains access to telecom lobbying record over surveillance program

A federal judge ordered the Obama administration to release records of telecom lobbying to obtain immunity from suits over their role in warrantless surveillance. -DB Electronic Frontier Foundation Press Release September 24, 2009 SAN FRANCISCO – A judge ordered the government Thursday to release more records about the lobbying campaign to provide immunity to the telecommunications giants that participated in the NSA’s warrantless surveillance program. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey S. White ordered the records be

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Nebraska resources district sues federal government for simple piece of information

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has stonewalled for four years, refusing to tell a Nebraska resources district how many acres of Nebraska farmland are being irrigated because it says the information is secret. -DB Courthouse News Service September 22, 2009 By Cara Wynn LINCOLN, Neb. (CN) – A Nebraska resources district accuses the federal government of “flagrant stonewalling” in 4 years of “evasive responses” to a simple request for how many acres of Nebraska farmland

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Report card on government secrecy now available has released a “secrecy report card” that shows only limited changes in operations over the last year to withhold government information from the public. -DB Secrecy News Federation of American Scientists September 8, 2009 By Steven Aftergood The vast apparatus of government secrecy persisted through the last year with only limited changes in the contours of its multi-billion dollar operations, according to the latest “secrecy report card” published by, a coalition of organizations working

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Obama administration agrees to make White House visitor logs public

To end four lawsuits by a watchdog group, the Obama White House has reversed a policy keeping visitor logs secret now allowing news organizations and others a chance to see who is influencing administration policy on vital issues. -DB USA TODAY September 4, 2009 By Richard Wolf WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama administration plans to change White House policy by releasing the names of thousands of visitors whose comings and goings traditionally are kept secret by

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