legal work

Strategic Litigaton


Strategic Litigation

FAC conducts a program of strategic litigation by initiating “test case” lawsuits to resolve key legal issues in a way that maximizes chances for a favorable outcome, with potentially far-reaching effects.

Super Bowl Score: Cop Overtime $6.3 Million, Taxpayers 0

By Karl Olson — The big winners of Super Bowl 50 were not just the Denver Broncos, they were San Francisco cops who racked up over $6.3 million in overtime while The City hosted “Super Bowl City.” And the big losers were not just the Carolina Panthers, they were San Francisco

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Latest FAC suit secures release of Sonoma County Superbowl Contract

FAC’s latest lawsuit—a Public Records Act suit against Sonoma County—-has ended successfully, with the county disclosing a complete, unredacted copy of a contract to promote tourism in connection with the Super Bowl. In denying PRA requests for the contract submitted by local news media and FAC, the county said the

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Critic of Inglewood mayor defeats censorship-by-copyright

A few weeks ago we wrote about the thin-skinned mayor of Inglewood who, stung by criticism from a local citizen, went to court to silence him. Oblivious to first amendment protections for free speech, the mayor and his lawyers claimed the critic’s use of clips from videos of city council

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