Search Results for: electronic records – Page 46

Obama favors disclosing contacts between lobbyists with administration or Congress

The Electronic Frontier Foundation hails President Barack Obama’s statement in the State of the Union address about disclosing lobbyist contacts. The Obama administration has been fighting FOIA requests seeking identities of lobbyists working the Department of Justice and Director of National Intelligence. -db Electronic Frontier Foundation Commentary January 28, 2010 By Kurt Opsahl In yesterday’s State of the Union address, President Obama made an important commitment to openness and transparency in government: He said “It’s time

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Obama and transparency: In the midst of major gains, some managers resist open government initiatives

For a multitude of reasons, not every official is aggressively embracing President Barack Obama’s open government directives. -DB NextGov Commentary January 21, 2010 By Aliya Sternstein When he took office, President Obama said he wanted agencies to leverage new technologies to open government. One year after the president announced an initiative to open the government, agency leaders have demonstrated a strong track record of embracing emerging media to disclose information, but some mid-level managers have

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Freedom of Information Act request garners oversight report of alleged illegal intelligence activities

In response to its FOIA lawsuit in July, the Electronic Frontier Foundation saw the government release an intelligence oversight report that reveals intelligence activities some believe are illegal. -DB Electronic Frontier Foundation December 16, 2009 By Nate Cardozo Today the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of State, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Security Agency released 162 pages of intelligence oversight reporting in response to a Freedom of Information

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Media project publishes guide to live-blogging in courts

The Citizen Media Law Project has published a guide to live coverage in courts using the social media. Since not all judges allow electronic devices and local laws sometimes prohibit the devices, it is important to know how to avoid legal problems in live-blogging or tweeting in the courtroom.-DB Citizen Media Law Project December 10, 2009 By David Ardia As part of our legal guide series on documenting public proceedings and events, today we published

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States responding to federal transparency initiatives with parallel efforts

Since President Barack Obama pledged more openness in government, states have been opening records to the public, of stimulus spending and beyond, using online tools to provide a broad range of data. -DB OMB Watch December 8, 2009 President Barack Obama’s Jan. 21 inaugural promise to lead the most transparent administration in history has had a major impact on federal information technology, which has led to new developments in data reporting at the state level.

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