Search Results for: electronic records – Page 45

Open government: California lawmakers consider limits on text messaging

As local governments are struggling with the issue of government officials texting and e-mailing during meetings, the state legislature is considering a law preventing lobbyists from texting lawmakers on the floor or in committee. Open government advocates say that electronic devices are difficult to monitor, and one advocate suggests that full disclosure of contacts with special interests would do more to ensure transparency. -db Weekly Calistogan March 25, 2010 By John Waters Jr. It’s may be

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Congress acts to cast federal transparency initiatives in cement

A bipartisan move is afoot to make Obama’s transparency initiatives permanent. -db NextGov March 18, 2010 By Aliya Sternstein Lawmakers from both parties are pursuing efforts that would require agencies to post public information online by default, moves that would preserve for posterity elements of the Obama administration’s open government agenda. Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., introduced on Tuesday the 2010 Public Online Information Act (H.R.4858), which would require all executive branch records to be searchable

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Study of FBI documents shows censorship withheld harmless information

The Electronic Frontier Foundation argues that in the face of Freedom of Information Act requests, federal agencies hide their activities in excessive secrecy in spite of Obama administration directives to the agencies to make a “presumption of openness” in implementing FOIA requests. -db Electronic Frontier Foundation Commentary March 15, 2010 By David L. Sobel As the transparency community celebrates Sunshine Week, we here at EFF are reminded that most of the federal agencies we seek

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Transparency: S.F. mayor wants texting banned during city meetings

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom wants a ban on text messaging during meetings of the Board of Supervisors and city commissions to limit the influence of  lobbyists texting city officials and to keep the city government more transparent. -db San Francisco Chronicle March 10, 2010 By Heather Knight San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom wants to push the off button on the trend of text messaging during meetings of the Board of Supervisors and various city

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Federal appeals court orders disclosure of names of telecom lobbyists

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the government must reveal name of lobbyists who working for retroactive liability protection for telecom companies who participated in warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens after 9/11. -db Metropolitan News-Enterprise February 10, 2010 By Sherri M. Okamoto The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday ruled that the government was required to disclose the names of individuals who lobbied in favor of retroactive liability protection for telecommunications carriers

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