Search Results for: electronic records – Page 44

Business publication rates top 10 Obama administration open government programs

ExectiveBiz has published a list of its top open government programs, including many of direct help to business. -db ExecutiveBiz April 12, 2010 By Jim Garrettson Top 10 Open Government Programs Open Government has been a major priority of the Obama administration since the campaign trail, and last week was the publication deadline of each agency’s open government plan. Below, we’ve listed (in no particular order) our ten favorite open government initiatives and why they’re

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Move underway to hold Obama administration to higher standard on preserving official e-mail correspondence

A California House Republican has criticized a White House official for conducting official correspondence on Web-based e-mail that could easily be deleted. -db NextGov April 12, 2010 By Aliya Sternstein A House Republican is questioning the legality of a White House official’s reported use of Web-based e-mail to communicate with lobbyists at Google and high-ranking White House officials. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sent a

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Federal judge dismisses secrets privilege in ruling wiretapping of Islamic charity illegal

A federal judge ruled that the Bush administration’s wiretapping of an Islamic charity in Oregon was illegal and should have been subjected to independent court review. -db Metropolitan News-Enterprise April 1, 2010 From Staff and Wire Service Reports In a repudiation of the Bush administration’s now-defunct Terrorist Surveillance Program, a federal judge ruled yesterday that government investigators illegally wiretapped the phone conversations of an Islamic charity and two American lawyers without a search warrant. U.S.

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Cleveland newspaper causes stir by unmasking anonymous poster – a judge

In revealing the identity of a person posting comments on their site under the moniker “lawmiss”, the Cleveland Plain Dealer believed that the public’s right to know outweighed the importance of protecting the privacy of anonymous commentators. The “lawmiss” postings, it turned out, came from the e-mail address of a judge. -db The Plain Dealer March 26, 2010 By Henry J. Gomez CLEVELAND, Ohio — By unmasking an anonymous poster at its companion Web site,

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House of Representatives caucuses for improved transparency

In a rare show of bipartisanship, House Republicans and Democrats met last week to generate support for new laws for free access to government information on the Internet. The 19 member caucus wants to inform other member of the House about open government initiatives. -db NextGov March 25, 2010 By Aliya Sternstein House Republicans and Democrats on Thursday launched a congressional transparency caucus that will call for new laws requiring federal information be accessible on

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