Search Results for: electronic records – Page 42

Government transparency: Single pool of storage could save money and allow better access

Deluged by data, the federal government looks to virtualized storage to create a single pool of storage capacity controlled from a central console making it easier to retrieve data. -db NextGov August 23, 2010 By Carolyn Duffy Marsan The federal government is awash in data. And it’s expanding at rates faster than chief information officers can count. No one knows exactly how much information agencies have stored in their far-flung databases, but experts say it’s

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A&A: How does the CPRA deal with emails between elected officials

Q: Can email sent by a California Special District elected official to other directors or the district office concerning district business be subject to examination using the Public Records Act? Would it make a difference if he used his personal computer to send an email to another elected official? A: Under California’s Public Records Act, “any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state

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Leaked Afghan war docs could spur crackdown on info access

After the massive Afghan war data spill by Wikileaks, some veteran intelligence officers and experts are calling for a tightening of access to information and more monitoring in the spy community’s lower levels. July 29, 2010 By The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Call it the big information chill, looming across the military and intelligence communities. After the massive Afghan war data spill by Wikileaks, some veteran intelligence officers and experts are calling for a tightening

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New federal online identity plan raises privacy and free speech concerns

The White House recently released a draft of a troubling plan titled  “National Strategy for Trusted Identities Cyberspace” (NSTIC). Commentary/ Electronic Frontier Foundation July 21, 2010 By  Lee Tien and Seth Schoen The White House recently released a draft of a troubling plan titled “National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace” (NSTIC). In previous iterations, the project was known as the “National Strategy for Secure Online Transactions” and emphasized, reasonably, the private sector’s development of technologies

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A&A:Board Conducting Public’s Business Via Private Emails

Q: It became apparent yesterday morning that the Board of Directors of our Community Services District is conducting a significant portion of its business via email.  The emails would have originated from at least six personal private computers. Such email has not been made part of the public record. Under CPRA I have requested copies of all emails between Board members for the past two years. I do not expect to receive them, for a

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