Search Results for: electronic records – Page 41


BY PETER SCHEER—-The Obama administration has made no secret of its desire to unplug wikileaks, the whistleblower website infamous for data dumps of classified records. Of the few options available to the government, the best is one that probably hasn’t been considered in this context: enacting a federal Shield Law. How would a Shield Law–a version of which has passed the House and awaits a vote by the full Senate—put Wikileaks out of business? The

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Feds use social networking site to investigate citizenship petitions

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has obtained information that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is using sites such as Facebook to investigate citizenship petitions. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press October 13, 2010 By Stephen Miller The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital civil liberties group based in San Francisco, has received information through a federal Freedom of Information Act request documenting how U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services uses social networking sites to

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Bench-Bar-Media Committee proposals for greater media access

By Susana Montes–The draft report includes 11 recommendations from the Bench-Bar-Media Committee, appointed by the California Supreme Court. The recommendations range from increasing access of cameras and other recording devices in the courtroom, instituting public notices for gag orders by posting on local court websites; and a proposal to develop a rule that requires all courts to post notice of any application for, or entry of sealed records. The report also addresses the need to

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PG&E cites security in refusing to divulge pipeline information

After  a gas pipeline explosion in San Bruno that devastated a neighbor, PG&E is refusing to give out the locations of its riskiest gas lines out of concerns for safety and security. -db The Bay Citizen September 15, 2010 By Zusha Elinson, Jennifer Gollan PG&E’s deadly explosion in San Bruno last week laid bare the hazards of California’s aging gas pipelines, but details on the company’s gas network remain cloaked in secrecy, raising questions from

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ACLU contends government overreaching in laptop search policy at borders

With two other groups, the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Department of Homeland Security over its practice of searching, copying and detaining electronic devices at borders without reasonable suspicion. -db American Civil Liberties Union Press Release September 7, 2010 NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union, the New York Civil Liberties Union and the National Association of Criminal Defense Layers (NACDL) today filed a lawsuit challenging the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS)

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