Search Results for: electronic records – Page 35

A&A: Request denied for fire district celebration guest list

A small fire district board voted to approve paying up to $2,500 for district firefighters, graduates of the reserve academy and their guests (and apparently the Board members and their guests) to attend an ”Appreciation Dinner” at a rather expensive venue. At a previous district board meeting (February 2013), the fire chief told the board that he was going to pay $1,100 to rent the venue for the dinner ”because he’s allowed to spend up

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Secret domestic spying program losing ground

The National Security Agency survived a close vote in the House of Representatives when the House voted 205-217 against a move to stop the agency from gathering phone records from millions of U.S. citizens. The secret surveillance program came to light when Edward Snowden violated security to release  evidence of the program last month. (The New York Times, July 24, 2013, by Jonathan Weisman) The narrow victory for the NSA signals eroding support for the

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A&A: Using CPRA to learn rules governing Resort Improvement District #1

Q: A large part of my community is being harassed by a local agency known as a Resort Improvement District #1. By law they are supposed to maintain the power lines, water and sewers. They do a lot more than that though. They want to be the police here and field and investigate complaints. They have humiliated me and others at board meetings as they discuss who their victims will be. They have called the

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A&A: Can I access data on corporations audited by the state?

Q: Does California release the names of corporations audited by the state tax collector and the time period audited? Do you have any information on the positions taken by other states? A: As far as I am aware, there is no exemption to the Public Records Act that specifically addresses the disclosability of records that reveal the identity of corporations that have been audited and the time period covered by the audit. However, for a definitive

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Big victory in CA Supreme Court case on public access to government data

In a major victory for open government and data access, the California Supreme Court yesterday ruled that Orange County cannot restrict access to its electronic mapping data–a so-called “basemap.” The Court decided unanimously that the county basemap is a public record under the Public Records Act, which means that it must be made available without use restrictions and for the cost of duplication–a few dollars at most. At the start of the case, Orange County

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