Search Results for: electronic records – Page 34

National Security Letters under scrutiny

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is challenging the government over its National Security Letters , known as NSLs. EFF filed two briefs with the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last week claiming the letters violate the First Amendment by preventing letter recipients from notifying their clients of the letters existence or that they are contesting the letters in court. (EFF, March 3, 2014, press release) Even though a federal judge ruled last year that

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NSA edges toward greater transparency in releasing documents relating to domestic spying

The National Security Agency has released court documents that authorized the agency to build a huge collection of e-mail and online metadata from the American public to fight terrorism. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court authorized the collection. (The Washington Post, November 18, 2013, by Ellen Nakashima and Greg Miller) The Electronic Freedom Foundation is challenging NSA’s record collection program in court. EFF said about the amicus briefs in the case that they show “the destructive

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Advocacy groups say NSA threatens free speech

The National Security Agency (NSA) says it needs its gargantuan surveillance network to defend against terrorism, but in reality the spying goes far beyond seeking information about foreign threats by invading citizens’ private lives on a “breathtaking scale.” (Electronic Freedom Foundation, November 11, 2013, by Trevor Timm) The EFF said the NSA surveillance threatens free speech of advocacy groups who are leery of  expressing dissenting views with the knowledge that NSA is recording every phone

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A&A: No oversight when councilmembers compile emails in response to record requests

Q: Is it a violation of the Public Records Act for public officials to compile potentially incriminating electronic documents on their own, in response to PRA requests, with no actual oversight? I just learned that when a Public Records Act request is submitted to the City Manager of my hometown, for potentially incriminating electronic documents of a City Council member, the City Manager requests that the City Council member compile the requested documents on their

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1st Amendment links: must-read news you might have missed this week

Secrets led the news this week: Secret keepers like CalPers pensioners to secret leakers like David Miranda, and Private Manning, whose stories dominated the headlines this week and often on matters having little to do with state secrets.  Andrew Bacevich brings us back to the matter at hand in his eloquent essay asking us to consider to whom those state secrets really belong.   All that and more in FAC’s Friday roundup: 1st Amendment links: “Truth

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