Search Results for: electronic records – Page 33

Federal judge maintains clamp on secret court transcripts on spying

A federal district judge ruled that the government did not have to release more records of its spying program including rulings by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and the names of cooperating telecom companies. Edward Snowden revealed the existence of the court and details of the spying on domestic phone calls that may be to foreign terrorists., and the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) was seeking more details. The judge wrote that release of the

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California Supreme Court takes up issue of government e-mails on personal smartphones

The California Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether government employees could withhold e-mails and text messages about government issues sent by personal smartphones. (San Jose Mercury News, June 27, 2014, by John Woolfolk) California cities claim it would be cumbersome  and expensive to keep track of messages on workers’ private electronic devices. Those for disclosure argue that there is plenty of precedent for releasing e-mail about government business no matter that it may be

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Another federal court ruling for transparency on FISA surveillance

A federal district judge ordered the Obama administration to cough up more information on its secret spying on U.S. citizens by collecting phone records. Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers told the Justice Department to produce 66 pages of documents for her review so she could judge if the records were wrongly withheld. (Computerworld, June 13, 2014, by Stephen Lawson of the IDG News Service) Rogers found the government had failed to make their case for withholding

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California voters ensure transparency in local government

California voters ensured that local government agencies comply with the California Public Records Act (CPRA) in a landslide with 61.5 percent approving Prop 42, the Public’s Right to Know Act. The proposition shifted the burden for paying for CPRA to local governments after the state moved to withdraw funding for transparency services. Local government in other states have always paid for the services. (Electronic Frontier Foundation, June 4, 2014, by Dave Maass) With state deficits

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Security agency must hold on to phone metadata files to allow challenge of surveillance programs

The court charged with overseeing surveillance conducted by U.S. intelligence agencies ruled this week that the National Security Agency (NSA) could preserve telephone metadata beyond five years in cases challenging NSA’s surveillance program. The ruling prompted by a request from the Justice Department will allow plaintiffs to gain access to metadata collected by NSA. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) reversed an earlier ruling to allow for the discovery process to proceed. (Courthouse News Service,

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