Search Results for: electronic records – Page 32

Hillary’s email problem: A crucial lesson for government officials everywhere

BY PETER SCHEER–Across the country literally thousands of state and local political officials, from governors to local school superintendents, use their personal email accounts for sending and receiving messages about government business. Hardly surprising. All public officials support government transparency in the abstract, but when it comes to their own communications, most opt for secrecy. They have been watching Hillary Clinton’s handling of her email travails with more than passing interest. While they operate under

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Announcing FAC’s 2014 Free Speech & Open Government Award Winners

The First Amendment Coalition is proud to announce the winners of the 2014 FAC Free Speech & Open Government Award. This year FAC received 30 nominations covering the efforts of journalists, individuals, government officials, educators, attorneys, community groups, non-profit journalism organizations and newspapers. The two 2014 winners of this year’s awards use different methods to accomplish their goals –one upholding the finest traditions of investigative journalism and the other demonstrating the effectiveness of advocacy using

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Free speech fight focuses on parody of trademark

A Virginia federal court recently ruled that a trademark would prevent a parody of the NAACP in naming the group “National Association for the Abortion of Colored People.” The Radiance Foundation was objecting to the liberal stances of the group that excluded any significant pro-life activities, but was told by the court that its parody infringed on the NAACP’s trademark. The EFF is filing an amicus brief in the appeal of the ruling, arguing that

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Yahoo cites victory in transparency over federal government surveillance

Yahoo yielded to a government threat of a $250,000 a day fine in releasing customer information to federal intelligence agencies. This new revelation shows how ruthless the federal government was in pursuing their secret surveillance program noted a spokesperson for the Electronic Privacy Information Center. (Reuters, September 12, 2014, by Edwin Chan and Alexei Oreskovic) The court-sanctioned release of information about the surveillance and demands placed on Yahoo is considered to be a victory for

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Body cameras on police could improve law enforcement

Potentially it’s a gain that police in many locales are equipped with body cameras, but there are no assurances that the public will benefit given police claims that the recordings are not part of the public record. San Diego police have denied newspapers’ requests for recordings under the California Public Records Act. One study shows that many forces across the country find ways of evading transparency with claims of missing tapes, broken cameras, failures to

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