Search Results for: electronic records – Page 20

To fight waste and fraud, tech experts call for real-time reporting on stimulus and bailout spending

Likening audits to delayed autopsies, a panel of technology specialists urged the government to make details of bailout money and stimulus spending available to the public without delay. They say so far real-time disclosure would have saved the taxpayers about $14 billion.  -DB NextGov October 20, 2009 By Gutham Nagesh The federal government can save billions of dollars in fraudulent and wasteful payments by changing the way it collects and stores data submitted by companies

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Civil Harrassement Restraining Order Filings; Non-Internet Accessible

Civil Harrassement Restraining Order Filings; Non-Internet Accessible Q: The County Superior Court maintains an “Open Access” internet database system for access to court records and filings, including dockets in all civil and criminal cases and downloads of all filed and imaged pleadings and other filed documents in civil cases — with one exception.  All dockets and imaged documents are publicly inaccessible for all civil harassment restraining order filings.  This results in a quasi secret docket

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Requesting employee-related information

Requesting electronic trial court records Q: I am trying to access a criminal court’s calendar for a 3 month period of time in 2004. Is there is a different public records request when trying to access information from the courts? A: Pursuant to the California Rules of Court regarding public access to electronic trial court records, you can request bulk distribution of a California Superior Court’s electronic calendar, register of actions, and index for criminal

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Sample CPRA request letter

resources ACCESS TO RECORDS Sample CPRA Request Letter Download the CPRA Sample Letter Menu | Access to Records Date Name of AgencyAddress RE: Public Records Act Request To Whom it May Concern: This is a request made under the California Public Records Act, Government Code sections 7920.000 – 7931.000, for records in the possession or control of your agency. I am seeking [to inspect or copy, this is your choice] to: [Provide as much detail

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More efficient archiving needed to re-establish open government

A Slate writer praises Obama’s efforts to resurrect the Freedom of Information Act, but the next step is to improve government record keeping so government workers can actually find the documents requested by reporters and others. -DB Slate Jan. 29, 2009, at 1:28 PM ET By Fred Kaplan President Barack Obama’s decision last week to revive the Freedom of Information Act was a good first step toward fulfilling his campaign pledge for a “new era

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