Search Results for: electronic records – Page 18

A&A: How Do I Determine If The Documents I Need Are Accessible By Making A CPRA Request?

Q: I’m researching uses of force with the LA County Probation Department at juvenile halls and had questions about what kind of information is public vs. private.  A: Making a request for records under California’s Public Records Act would be a natural starting point in your search.  Under California’s Public Records Act, “‘[p]ublic records’ includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or

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Amicus Briefs Digest, Sept. 2017

Here are amicus briefs and/or letters FAC has either authored or joined since the last report: Amicus Briefs Authored By FAC Callaghan v. West Virginia Judicial Investigation Commission: FAC authored an amicus brief urging the United States Supreme Court to review and reverse a decision by the West Virginia Supreme Court imposing draconian penalties on a candidate for judicial office for statements he made during a political campaign. The Philadelphia firm of Schnader Harrison prepared

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A&A: What does the CPRA say about an agency charging a $48 “clerical fee”?

Q:  I’m interested in getting some feedback from someone a little more experienced at filing public records act requests. I’m a little suspicious of the Department of Fair Employment and Housing charging a $48 “clerical fee”although their invoice does not list the amount of pages or mailing fee, implying the search has not yet been done. The request I made was for copies of complaints made against several businesses. Your thoughts? A: From your inquiry I understand that you

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Governor Brown decides fate of open-government bills

The Richard McKee Brown Act enforcement bill wasn’t the only open-government legislation to come before Governor Brown at the end of this legislative session.  Here’s what happened with the bills that FAC has been tracking this year: AB 1270: Governor Brown vetoed this bill that would have allowed journalists greater ability to request interviews  with prison inmates and allow journalists to use materials such as pens, papers, pencils and recording devices to conduct the interviews.

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CA Sunshine Ordinances: Dixon (Initiative Petition for Measure N on Nov. 6, 2012 ballot)

Dixon’s Sunshine Ordinance, Measure N is on the November 6, 2012 ballot for voters in the City of Dixon in Solano County. According to Ballotpedia: Supporters of the initiative say, “This Initiative, if passed, will ensure governmental transparency. This Ordinance will go beyond the minimum requirements of the Brown Act and Public Records Act and will provide more and quicker access to information and greater public access to the workings of Dixon city government. This

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