First Amendment News

Telcos losing ground in attempts to withhold records of their lobbying government in warrantless spying case

A federal district judge ruled September 24 that the government had to release the names of telecom employees who lobbied the Justice Department and White House to legislation to grant them legal immunity in their warrantless spying on American citizens. The White House is appealing the decision. -DB Wired October 8, 2009 By Ryan Singel AT&T was the first of many telcos sued for helping the NSA spy on Americans without warrants The Department of

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Omaha students sue after suspensions for wearing “R.I.P.” T-shirts to honor murdered fellow student

Students suspended for wearing a T-shirt reading “R.I.P.” to honor a fellow student killed for refusing to join a gang are suing their high school in federal court for violating their First Amendment rights. The school says they suspended the students for using gang slang, “R.I.P.”, on their T-shirts. -DB Courthouse News Service October 13, 2009 By Kelly Vangilder OMAHA, Neb. (CN) – Students say their high school unconstitutionally suspended them for wearing T-shirts with the message

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Los Angeles Times suing to discover identity of officer who shot 16-year-old boy to death

The Los Angeles Times has sued the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department seeking the name, rank and other employment information about the sheriff’s deputy who shot a 16-year-old Compton boy to death July 5. -DB Courthouse News Service October 13, 2009 LOS ANGELES (CN) – The Los Angeles Times sued the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department in Superior Court, demanding information on the fatal shooting of a 16-year-old boy in Compton. Avery Cody Jr. was shot to death

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Senate moves to back Obama in barring release of torture photos

A senate Committee voted to amend the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill to include language to allow the Secretary of Defense to withhold photos of detainees who had undergone torture. -DB The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press October 8, 2009 By Miranda Fleschert Barring the release of photos depicting abuse of detainees in U.S. custody was again the subject of a legislative amendment in the U.S. Senate this week when language that supports President

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Governor’s political game threatens key open government/free speech bills

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is holding over 700 bills hostage to gain approval of a water deal with the legislature. Among the 700 bills are four bills that advance the cause of open government and freedom of speech. -DB California Newspaper Publishers Association Commentary October 7, 2009 With the Sunday deadline fast approaching, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed only 3 of the over 700 bills on his desk. While a bit coy regarding his intentions on

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