First Amendment News

Connecticut diocese comments on Supreme Court refusal to hear appeal to prevent release of sex-abuse records

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected requests to hear an appeal to stop the release of records of sex-abuse lawsuits against priests in the Bridgeport, Connecticut diocese. The diocese has been working for years to keep the records secret. -DB Diocese of Bridgeport Press Release November 2, 2009 BRIDGEPORT, Conn. – The Diocese of Bridgeport today issued the following statement in response to the United States Supreme Court’s decision not to grant a writ of certiorari:

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Federal shield law moving forward in Senate after compromise forged with White House

The federal journalist shield law cleared a major hurdle when the Obama administration cut a deal with the Senate to include freelancers and online journalists. The bill also includes a public-interest balance test so that a judge could weigh the public interest in secrecy against the public interest in disclosure. -DB Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press October 30, 2009 By Ansley Schrimpf Two senators announced Friday that the Obama administration has agreed to

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Nevada: Suit filed after student arrested and expelled from school for e-mails sent from home

After a high school student sent an allegedly threatening e-mail to a friend on his home computer, he was arrested, held in jail for 32 days while interrogated and then expelled from school. The boy claims his First Amendment rights were violated. -DB Courthouse News Service October 29,2009 By Nick Divito RENO, Nev. – A high school student was arrested, jailed for 32 days and expelled from school for emails he sent to a friend

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California appeals court rules vulgar language in text messages not obscene

A California  appeals court ruled that a high school student who used vulgar and violent language in a text message to a girlfriend who was breaking off their relationship could not be put on probation for his message. The court said the words used by the boy were not criminal but rather depictions of his emotional state and not truly lewd or threatening.  -DB Metropolitan News-Enterprise October 28, 2009 By Sherri M. Okamoto The Third District

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OMB Watch posts details of risks posed by U.S. chemical facilities

A government watchdog agency, OMB Watch, has posted updated risks to public health of thousands of chemical facilities allowing the public information needed to protect families and communities. The government has been derelict in providing the information. -DB OMB Watch Press Release October 29, 2009 WASHINGTON, D.C.—OMB Watch today posted updated information about the risks of serious public harm posed by thousands of chemical facilities nationwide. The risk management plans of approximately 14,000 facilities that

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