First Amendment News

FBI releases former Vice President Cheney’s interview on outing of CIA agent

The transcript of Dick Cheney’s FBI interview on the Valerie Plame incident was released to the public last week. Both the Bush or Obama administrations tried to keep the transcript secret. -DB Reporters Committee on Freedom of the Press November 2, 2009 By Amanda Becker The FBI released documents under court order Friday that show former Vice President Dick Cheney’s recollection is fuzzy on his involvement in the exposure of an undercover CIA operative in

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ACLU gets more records about Bush administration’s interrogation of detainees

The federal government handed over to the American Civil Liberties Union more documents requested through the Freedom of Information Act lawsuits. The documents pertained to the treatment of detainees in U.S. custody overseas. -DB American Civil Liberties Union Press Release October 30, 2009 NEW YORK – The government today handed over to the American Civil Liberties Union numerous documents in response to two ACLU Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits for information related to the

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Open government group publishes information about risks to public health from chemical facilities

OMB Watch posted updated information on the risks of over 140 dangerous chemicals from facilities nationwide. The information can be found on the website of the Right-to-Know Network. -DB OMB Watch Press Release October 29, 2009 WASHINGTON, D.C. — OMB Watch today posted updated information about the risks of serious public harm posed by thousands of chemical facilities nationwide. The risk management plans of approximately 14,000 facilities that handle more than the threshold amounts of

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‘Three strikes’ penalty for file sharing a sticky wicket for British politicians

EFF’s Danny O’Brien says British politicians are in for a firestorm of protest and perhaps failed election bids if they support a government digital economy bill that includes a provision for terminating Internet access for repeated copyright infringement. -DB Electronic Frontier Foundation Commentary October 28, 2009 By Danny O’Brien The arbitrary termination of Internet access for repeated accusations of copyright infringement — “three strikes” — is as profoundly unpopular in the UK as it is elsewhere.

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Will it Work?: New German proposal for copyright system to save journalism

Citizen Media Law Project blogger Arthur Bright argues that Germany’s proposal to charge for journalism content using a system similar to that used by the movie and music industries is fraught with difficulty and will only delay the inevitable. To survive, says Bright,  journalism must develop a workable business model. -DB Citizen Media Law Project Commentary October 30, 2009 By Arthur Bright It’s tough being a publisher these days. Of course, no one is having

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