First Amendment News

NYPD must release documents of surveillance of Republican convention protesters

A federal judge ruled that the New York Police Department must release documents showing its surveillance of protesters of the 2004 Republican National Convention. Over 1,800 were arrested during the protests. -DB The New York Times December 14, 2009 NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge has ruled the New York Police Department must release 2,000 pages of documents related to its surveillance of protesters before the 2004 Republican National Convention. Judge Richard Sullivan’s ruling

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Bloomberg bid for records of federal bailout gains support of other news organizations

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 12 other media groups filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the suit to gain access to records of the recent federal bailout of  automobile and financial firms. Bloomberg News sued to obtain records of the $2 trillion emergency lending program. -DB The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press December 15, 2009 By Miranda Fleschert The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press joined 12 other media

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Government lawyer argues torture suit too sensitive for public court

Citing national security and state secrets, a Justice Department lawyer argued that the suit involving the CIA and a San Jose company over extraordinary rendition and torture of suspected terrorists cannot proceed in open court. -DB San Francisco Chronicle December 16, 2009 By Bob Egelko SAN FRANCISCO — A lawsuit accusing a Bay Area flight-planning company of aiding an alleged CIA program of kidnapping and torturing terror suspects threatens national security and is too sensitive

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News media copyright policy could limit free speech

A Fellow at The Center for the Internet and Society argues that in trying to protect content, the news media can propose policies that hurt the very First Amendment that they are trying to preserve. -DB The Center for the Internet and Society Stanford Law School Opinion December 10, 2009 By Sarah Hinchliff Pearson It’s nothing new for media organizations to employ lofty rhetoric about the role of the press in democracy to advocate special

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Government task force proposes new policy for limiting distribution of unclassified but sensitive information

An Obama administration task force has released a report suggesting replacing more than 100 different markings now used to curtail the distribution of sensitive but unclassified information. Recommended changes would reduce inconsistency in practice across agencies and over-protection of information. -DB Secrecy News Federation of American Scientists Opinion December 15, 2009 By Steven Aftergood The government should replace the more than 100 different control markings that are now used to limit the distribution of sensitive

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