First Amendment News

Federal court approves television cameras in time for Prop 8 hearing

The Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit approved television cameras for certain district court hearings, civil proceedings with no juries. Before now the court had only allowed cameras to televise appellate arguments. -DB Cal Law December 18, 2009 By Dan Levine SAN FRANCISCO — The Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit authorized television cameras in certain district court proceedings Thursday, reviving a national controversy just weeks before a groundbreaking trial over same-sex marriage is slated to

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Ad charging bank crime refused by Nigerian press in alleged payoff

A Brooklyn lawyer says when he tried to run an ad in Nigeria’s “The Nation” charging a bank made its female employees offer sex to attract investors, the publication refused his ad saying it had accepted a payoff from the bank. -DB Courthouse News Service December 17, 2009 By Adam Klasfeld BROOKLYN (NY) – A Brooklyn lawyer says a Nigerian bank hired people to threaten his life after he tried to expose its coerced “corporate

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Federal Court rejects argument that mug shot of securities fraud suspect is public record

A Florida federal court rejected the Freedom of Information Act request of a freelance journalist for a prisoner’s mug shot ruling that the man’s privacy was more important than the public’s interest in seeing the photo. -DB The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press December 16, 2009 By Amanda Becker A federal court in south Florida told a freelance journalist that his request for the mug shot of a securities fraud mastermind will go

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Freedom of Information Act request garners oversight report of alleged illegal intelligence activities

In response to its FOIA lawsuit in July, the Electronic Frontier Foundation saw the government release an intelligence oversight report that reveals intelligence activities some believe are illegal. -DB Electronic Frontier Foundation December 16, 2009 By Nate Cardozo Today the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of State, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Security Agency released 162 pages of intelligence oversight reporting in response to a Freedom of Information

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No cameras…yet for Prop 8 court challenge

The Northern District chief judge said there would be no TV cameras allowed into court for the federal challenge to Prop 8, but that under a Ninth Circuit governing council is considering a pilot program to allow them. -DB Legal Pad A Cal Law Blog December 16, 2009 By Dan Levine As of today, cameras will not be permitted to televise the federal challenge to Prop 8. But that may change by the time trial

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