First Amendment News

Darkness Award highlight: California school district pays for censorship of student newspaper

The Fallbrook Union High School District who censored the student newspaper, cancelled the journalism program and reassigned the newspaper adviser agreed to pay the adviser $7,500 and reimburse the ACLU and its law firm $20,000 for legal costs. In October the First Amendment Coalition awarded its Darkness Award to Rod King, the principal responsible for canceling  the program and removing the adviser. -DB Student Press Law Center December 23, 2009 By Julia Chapman Fallbrook Union

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Judge affirms constitutionality of federal obscenity laws

A U.S. district judge refused to dismiss a case against a major pornography studio ruling that the federal obscenity laws offered sufficient guidance to the studio charged with transporting obscene material across state lines. -DB The Blog of Legal Times December 22, 2009 By Jordan Weissmann A U.S. district judge today refused to dismiss the Justice Department’s case against the owner of a major pornography studio, shooting down the defense’s argument that federal obscenity statutes

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Australia: Professor challenges proposed internet filter for stopping child porn

A Perth university professor says that the internet filter under consideration in parliament will not succeed in protecting children and would block a wide range of content thereby allying Australia with the most repressive countries in censoring internet content. -DB The Sidney Morning Herald December 17, 2009 By Lelia Green SIDNEY, Australia – Senator Stephen Conroy’s internet filter is unlikey to do what he seeks in protecting children. Senator Stephen Conroy’s consultation paper on mandating the

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Justice Department wants to close trial of Blackwater guards

Citing national security issues, the Justice Department has asked a judge to close the Jan. 7 trial of five security guards who allegedly killed more than a dozen Iraqi civilians. -DB Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press December 21, 2009 By Rory Eastburg The Justice Department has asked a judge to close a Jan. 7 hearing in the prosecution of five security guards charged with killing more than a dozen Iraqi civilians, The National Law

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Federal judge orders release of government evidence pertaining to ‘no-fly list’

A federal judge in San Francisco ordered the Transportation Security Administration to disclose evidence showing that a Malaysian Muslim studying at Stanford University belonged on the federal government’s no-fly list. She was denied entry to the U.S. and lost her student visa. -DB Courthouse News Service December 21, 2009 By Annie Youderian A federal judge in San Francisco ordered the Transportation Security Administration to release some evidence relating to a Muslim woman’s inclusion on the

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