First Amendment News

First Amendment groups petition federal appeals court for favorable ruling on student online speech

Conflicting court rulings have prompted First Amendment groups to ask for clarification about  when students can be disciplined for off -campus online speech that is  not a part of school activities. -db Student Press Law Center Press Release March 9, 2010 The Student Press Law Center, a national non-profit devoted to defending student journalists’ First Amendment rights, filed a friend-of-the-court brief today urging a federal appeals court to clarify that schools cannot discipline students for

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UC Berkeley student newspaper reporter gets arrested covering protest over tuition increases

A photojournalist for the Daily Californian, the student newspaper at University of California Berkeley, forgot his press pass and followed student protesters onto the freeway where he was arrested for unlawful assembly and obstructing a public place. -db Student Press Law Center March 9, 2010 By Laura Dobler BERKELEY – A student multimedia journalist was released from jail 20 hours after being arrested while filming a peaceful protest that turned into a dangerous riot. Cameron

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Facebook threatens to sue British newspaper over false claim about sex and teen-age girls

Facebook is concerned that its reputation was permanently damaged by a claim in the Daily Mail that seconds after 14-year-old girls posted a profile on Facebook that older men could approach them who “wanted to perform a sex act” in front of them. Daily Mail apologized for the error. -db Guardian March 11, 2010 By Charles Arthur Facebook has threatened to sue the Daily Mail for damages after the paper wrongly claimed in a piece

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Obama administration wants carrot method to promote open government

The Obama administration announced that it wants to use prizes and challenges to promote open government in federal agencies. -db Secrrecy News Federation of American Scientists March 11, 2010 By Steven Aftergood Executive branch agencies should “increase the use of prizes and challenges as tools for promoting open government,” the White House Office of Management and Budget said in a memorandum to agency heads (pdf) this week. “It is Administration policy to strongly encourage agencies

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Congress leads way in promoting world-wide internet freedom

Congressmen have introduced legislation to strengthen the ability of groups and individuals to evade government control of the internet. The legislation would provide grants to universities, private companies and research groups to develop technologies to defeat suppression and censorship. -db Tech Daily March 9, 2010 By Juliana Gruenwald Reps. Chris Smith, R-N.J., and David Wu, D-Ore., announced Tuesday the launch of a new bipartisan Global Internet Freedom Caucus to promote online free expression. At the

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