First Amendment News

Marin news staff wins Freedom of Information award in CNPA contest

A team of journalists on the staff of Marin’s Independent Journal won first place for Freedom of Information reporting in the 2009 California Newsaper Publisher Association contest. The staff members won for their work in getting the county to release payroll details that shed light on budget problems. -db Marin Independent Journal April 20, 2010 By Brad Breithaupt WINNING FIRST PLACE for our “Freedom of Information” reporting was a great honor for the IJ. In

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Online Hitler parodies suffer censorship

Constantin Film has used the Content I.D. filter provided by YouTube to remove the Hitler parodies regardless of whether they constitute “fair use.” -db Electronic Frontier Foundation Commentary April 20, 2010 By Corynne McSherry One the most enduring (and consistently entertaining) Internet memes of the past few years has been remixes of the bunker scene from the German film, The Downfall: Hitler and the End of the Third Reich (aka Der Untergang). EFF Boardmember Brad

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Free student press: Case goes to jury on parents’ claim students harmed by quotes on sexual histories

A case heard in a Washington state court may hinge on whether school officials and teachers should exercise more control over the content of student newspapers. Washington law discourages authorities from interfering with the lawful content in student newspapers. -db Student Press Law Center April 21, 2010 By Mike Hiestand WASHINGTON — “This case is not about whether you didn’t like this article or thought the topic was not appropriate [for a high school student

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Reporters barred from covering gay rights protest at White House

In a move contrary to the Obama administration’s open government initiative, police drove reporters away from the White House where they were trying to cover a protest over the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. -db Politico April 20, 2010 By Ben Smith Police chased reporters away from the White House and closed Lafayette Park today in response to a gay rights protest in which several service members in full uniform handcuffed themselves to the

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U.S. Supreme Court hearing two free speech cases as preludes to same-sex marriage case

Two cases currently before the Supreme Court will set the First Amendment ground rules for the debate on same-sex marriage. The case heard this week concerns a Christian legal group at a California law school who wants to bar gays from their membership, a prohibition that the school says violates their nondiscrimination policy. Plaintiffs in the other case from Washington State are challenging the open records law to prevent publication of the names of those

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