First Amendment News

California superior court judge rules UC Berkeley police seized journalist’s photos illegally

A superior court judge ruled that University of California police had improperly searched a journalist’s camera during a protest at the UC chancellor’s home in December. The judge ordered all photos returned to the journalist. -db San Jose Mercury News June 21, 2010 By Matt Krupnick An Alameda County judge has ruled UC Berkeley police improperly searched a journalist’s camera after a December protest at Chancellor Robert Birgeneau’s campus home. Friday’s ruling by Superior Court

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Chinese stop Hong Kong printing of memoirs by ex-premier

The Chinese government blocked the Hong Kong publication of ex-premier Li Peng already banned in the mainland. Li Peng brought a violent end to the Tiananmen Square protest in 1989 and reportedly had claimed in his memoir that China’s current leaders supported the military’s attack on the student demonstrators. -db The New York Times June 20, 2010 By Andrew Jacobs BEIJING — A Hong Kong publisher said Sunday that he was forced to halt the

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Tech blogger says premature to announce death of libel

With a dearth of libel suits against leading news outlets, some say libel is dying now that multiple platforms exist for stating a case. But TechDirt’s Mike Masnick says that libel suits are alive and well directed at online suits to coerce deletion of comments. -db TechDirt Opinion June 18, 2010 By Mike Masnick A few folks have sent over a recent article from The New York Observer declaring that “the end of libel” is

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Supreme Court ruling on employer montoring of e-mail messages leaves intact right of public’s right to know

While ruling that  an Ontario police department armed with a legitimate purpose had the right to inspect an officer’s text messages, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the pubic’s right to know under the California Public Records Act. The Court said that police officers should realize their writings may be subject to public viewing. -db Washington Post June 18, 2010 By Robert Barnes A hesitant Supreme Court waded cautiously into a question that arises daily in workplaces

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Online news provider settles libel suit with motorcycle manufacturer

Calling a libel suit “trival”, Gawker Media agreed to a settlement with Confederate Motors wherein Jalopnik deleted a post saying Confederate faced so many lawsuits it couldn’t conduct business in New York.-db Online Media Daily June 16, 2010 By Wendy Davis Gawker Media has settled a libel lawsuit filed against Jalopnik by deleting a post alleging that Confederate Motors faced so many lawsuits that it couldn’t conduct business in New York. The auto blog also

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