First Amendment News

Hillary Clinton at the Community of Democracies

A commentary by Washington Post’s columnist Anne Applebaum on Hillary Clinton’s Speech at the 10th anniversary meeting of the Community of Democracies in Krakow, Poland. Was democracy promotion discredited with the Iraq invasion? Are democracies in trouble? -SMD From “Democracy in Trouble” Op-Ed Column Washington Post July 5, 2010 By Anne Applebaum A riot of golden curlicues embellished the theater boxes; in the plush velvet seats below, ambassadors in saris crowded against activists in crumpled suits.

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How is Social Media Impacting Free Speech Rights?

While social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter increase their user base,  and search engines like Google continue to grow, many wonder if they will become the gatekeepers of information of the future. – SMD Social Media and First Amendment Commentary July 6, 2010 By  Eric Kuhn, CNN Audience Interaction Producer Aspen, Colorado (CNN) – The future of free speech will be chosen by lawyers and businessmen at companies such as Google, Comcast and Facebook,

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The Supreme Court’s inconsistent 1st Amendment rulings

The Supreme Court’s just-ended term was marked by mixed results and “inconsistent” rulings on First Amendment cases according to Los Angeles Times. – SMD First Amendment Rulings Opinion/Commentary July 5,2010 Los Angeles Times The Supreme Court term that ended last week will be remembered for several important decisions. The court ruled that juveniles couldn’t be imprisoned for life without parole for any crime but homicide, that the individual’s right to bear arms must be respected

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White House unveils system to create online identities

A new White House Campaign aims to streamline online transaction processes by creating online identities for the public. The system is focused on combating identity theft. But access groups are watching to see if system circumvents public access to information, including government-held records. -SMD Internet News July 2, 2010 By Mara Zimmerman The White House is moving forward with a plan that will invite people to create online identities in order to streamline the online

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BP, Government Criminalize Media Efforts to Access Spill

New Coast Guard restrictions make it a felony for the public including the media to come within 65 feet of any response vessels or booms on the water or on beaches, effectively outlawing coverage of the gulf oil spill. Now the press,  ACLU are beginning to fight the blackout. July 3, 2010 BP, Government Blocking Press from Reporting Their “Ballet at Sea” by Kevin Gosztola, AlterNet As high tourist season approaches, there will be people

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