First Amendment News

Bush Signs FOIA Rewrite

On Monday, Dec. 31, President George Bush signed bipartisan legislation containing the most important amendments to the FOIA in over a decade. The changes expand the definition of who is a “representative of the news media.” This will benefit bloggers and non-traditional journalists by making them eligible for discounted processing and duplication fees that are available to the news media. Other important reforms include: –Broadening the scope of information that can be requested by including

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Ninth Circuit affirms need for written notice of request for court closure

A three-judge panel held that defendants have to make a written request to close a courtroom. Dec. 19, 2007 · The public has a presumptive right of access to criminal courtrooms, and defendants requesting closure of a hearing must make a written motion first, according to a decision by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco (9th Cir.). While past U.S. Supreme Court and California court precedent require notice before

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Ethnic media fellowships

Ethnic Media Fellowships USC Annenberg’s Institute for Justice and Journalism is inviting ethnic media journalists to apply for immigration-related fellowships. Selected Fellows will participate in a weeklong conference in Tucson, Arizona, that will include field experiences along both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. A follow-up session for the Fellows will be conducted in mid-June at John Jay College in New York City. Click here for complete information and to download the guidelines and application. For

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