First Amendment News

In latest leak investigation, feds work off list of reporter's confidential phone calls

A federal grand jury looking into government leaks to New York Times reporter James Risen have been shown phone records of their calls with the reporter. How did the Justice Department get its hands on those records without Risen or the newspaper knowing anything about it? Here’s the Times’ own story: April 12, 2008 Leak Inquiry Said to Focus on Calls With Times By PHILIP SHENON WASHINGTON — Former government officials have recently been called

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Should Boalt sack John Yoo, author of Bush DOJ's legal memo justifying torture?

Christopher Edley, Jr. , Dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law, has published a thoughtful statement explaining why, much as he deplores the legal “advice” law professor John Yoo gave to President Bush, Yoo’s tenure at the law school is protected by principles of freedom of speech and academic freedom. Yoo infamously opined that President Bush had authority, notwithstaning statutes and treaties to the contrary, to authorize torture of terrorist suspects. Here’s Edley’s statement:

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Portantino bill seeks to quietly reverse 2 pro-access Supreme Court decisions

An amendment to a bill seeks to push police salary and other basic information about officers back out of public view. The bill comes on the heels of two state Supreme Court rulings last year finding that salaries and other basic information about police officers are indeed public records. AB 1855, authored by Assemblyman Anthony J. Portantino, D-La Canada Flintridge, would declare that the salaries of police officers as well as their badge numbers and

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Scheer appointed to Bench Bar Media committee

Chief Justice Ronald M. George has announced the formation of a committee of judges, lawyers and journalists–including CFAC’s executive director, Peter Scheer–to promote improved relations among the courts, the Bar and the media. Here is a press release from the Judicial Council: Chief Justice George Names Bench Bar Media Steering Committee San Francisco—Chief Justice Ronald M. George today announced the appointment of the Judicial Council’s Bench Bar Media Steering Committee, a panel that will help

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For Sunshine Week, CFAC to lead LA discussion on national security and 1st Amendment

Discussion on Open Government will follow L.A. Theatre Works March 13 Production of Pentagon Papers Docudrama California First Amendment Coalition Director Peter Scheer to Lead Panel Washington — Sunshine Week will host a discussion on open government and secrecy issues following a Thursday, March 13, L.A. Theatre Works production of “Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers” in Los Angeles. The dialogue will be led by Peter Scheer, executive director of the California First

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