First Amendment News

Update on open-government legislative proposals in Sacramento

SB 1732 SB 1732, sponsored and campaigned for by Senator Gloria Romero, would overturn the 2006 ruling in Wolf v. City of Fremont that significantly weakened the prohibition against serial meetings. Serial meetings are informal meetings that take place outside of formal public meetings between public official either in person, by proxy or by telephone or email in an attempt to discuss public business without being subject to public scrutiny. Serial meetings are prohibited under

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SacBee calls for more transparency in compensation agreements with public employee unions

The Sacramento Bee, in an editorial in today’s paper about Vallejo’s bankrupcy, backs the idea of legislation to shine some light on compensation contracts between municipalities and public employee unions. The editorial cites an article by CFAC’s executive director. Here’s the SacBee editorial: —– Editorial: Let public in on government labor deals Published 12:00 am PDT Tuesday, May 13, 2008 Peter Scheer, who heads the California First Amendment Coalition, has a novel idea: End the

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Update on open-government legislative proposals in Sacramento

AB 1978 AB 1978, a Bill that would have closed public access to ‘basemap’ data for Geographic Information Systems (GIS), put forth by Assemblymember Jose Solorio, was dropped after opposition from the GIS/GeoData and freedom of information communities. GIS “basemap” data is used to create the base layer for all local computer mapping. The bill sought to exempt from the Public Records Act, which requires all government data to be available to the public, “metadata,

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China resident responds to Commentary on China's censorship of internet

To: CFAC I read and appreciated your article about China and the Internet which appeared recently in the International Herald Tribune. As a 20 year resident of China who has been on line here since 1996, I am intimately acquainted with the problems one encounters accessing information on line. As China becomes more sophisticated in its monitoring efforts (using equipment and technology developed in no small part by American companies), the situation is generally getting

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AP Sunlight Freedom of Information Awards Announced

Earlier today the Associated Press, in conjunction with CFAC, announced the winners of the 2008 Sunlight Freedom of Information Award. The Sunlight award is given to the two stories in the California-Nevada region that best exemplify the use of public records in an effort to effectively shed light on issues of civic importance. The award is judged and co-sponsored by CFAC and is given in association with the AP Newswriting and Photo Contest, which celebrate

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