First Amendment News

California in lower half of states in posting data online

Half of all states post more government information online than California according to a survey by media outlets. State agencies said that Caifornia’s size and its massive amounts of information made it difficult to post online. -DB The Sacramento Bee March 15, 2009 By Phillip Reese SACRAMENTO – In North Carolina, residents can go to a government Web site and instantly look up the safety record of any child day care facility in the state.

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Pomona College recognizes free speech rights of pro-life students

Two pro-life students conducting an orderly challenge to the ideas of a Planned Parenthood representative were banned from campus. Protests of their treatment led Pomona to lift the ban in recognition of laws guaranteeing free speech rights that students would enjoy off campus. -DB CalAware Today March 12, 2009 FREE SPEECH — After strong protest from students, faculty and alumni, Pomona College has withdrawn its ban of two pro-life students from campus, imposed last week

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Brew session after council meeting fogs up open government

A newspaper editor trying to relax after a tough day runs into most of the Willows City Council and some staff at a local watering hole. The editor suggests that one way out of the perception of Brown Act violations would be for the council to post adequate public notice and order up more pitchers. -DB Sun-Herald March 13, 2009 By Michael S. Green So a week ago Tuesday I’m at The Last Stand in

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Palm Desert City Council closed salary session challenged as open government violation

The Palm Desert City Council approved the salary for a new city manager in closed session in the belief that was allowed under the Brown Act, but a leading open government advocate says salary discussions must be public. -DB The Desert Sun March 14, 2009 By K. Kaufmann The Palm Desert City Council may have violated the state’s open records law by approving a contract with new city manager in closed session on Jan. 22,

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Merced school district tramples open government law

The Merced Union High School District board meeting called to cut services and teachers during stressful economic times ended up causing great stress to open government. The meeting room doors were closed off and on; even a board members was denied answers; and the results of closed session decisions were not clarified. -DB Merced Sun-Star March 13, 2009 By Danielle Gaines The board of trustees at Merced Union High School District flouted state open meeting

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