First Amendment News

In defense of its free speech rights, Wiki operator sues Apple

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filed suit on behalf of the non-profit BlueWiki to protect their right to discuss making Apple iPods and iPhones interoperate with software other than Apple’s. –DB Electronic Frontier Foundation April 27, 2009 Press Release SAN FRANCISCO – The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit against Apple Inc. today to defend the First Amendment rights of an operator of a noncommercial, public Internet “wiki” site known as BluWiki. EFF and the

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Project to audit compliance to public record law meets with threat of censorship

When journalism students from the The State Hornet of Sacramento State tried to obtain financial interest records from local school districts, the university administration suggested that the record requests were irresponsible. -DB CalAware April 23, 2009 PUBLIC INFORMATION/FREE PRESS — A recent audit of 18 Sacramento area public education institutions organized by Californians Aware (CalAware) shows serious ignorance of citizens’ rights to public information—and may have prompted an attempt to censor the student journalists who

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No damage, no defamation in Oregon suit

The 9th circuit ruled that that since no reasonable listener would take a radio host’s rant as statements of fact, the host’s comments could not have damaged the business of a sports goods store. -DB Citizen Media Law Center Commentary April 27, 2009 By Marc Randazza In Gardner v. Martino, the 9th Circuit handed down an important ruling that should be required reading for any opportunist looking to turn mere hurt feelings into a defamation

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Release date set for photos of alleged prison abuse

In spite of Defense Department concerns that there could be a backlash, the Obama administration will release over 44 photos showing alleged abuses of U.S.-held prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan. –DB The Los Angeles Times April 24, 2009 By Peter Wallsten, Julian E. Barnes and Greg Miller WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama administration agreed late Thursday to release dozens of photographs depicting alleged abuses at U.S. prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush White

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Newspaper recoups legal fees from lawyer who withdrew defamation suit

A lawyer who had filed a defamation claim against a newspaper for comments on a message board on its website found himself saddled with the newspaper’s legal fees after the newspaper filed a motion under the anti-Slapp statute designed to protect free speech from meritless legal threats. -DB Chico Enterprise Record April 24, 2009 CHICO — An attorney has been ordered to pay the Enterprise-Record more than $65,000 in attorneys’ fees and costs after he

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