First Amendment News

Sotomayor indicates support for cameras in Supreme Court

In Senate confirmation hearings, Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor said she favored camera access in the high court but said should she be confirmed she would act with circumspection in making her views known to the Court. -DB First Amendment Center Analysis July 16, 2009 By Tony Mauro WASHINGTON, D.C. — If the Senate confirms Sonia Sotomayor as the next justice on the Supreme Court, she may become the most unabashed supporter of camera access the

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New recovery transparency czar promises nonpartisan stance

Head of the new stimulus oversight board says there will be times that information posted on will embarrass bodies receiving stimulous money but promises to conduct thorough monitoring of spending to prevent waste and fraud. -DB National Journal July 16, 2009 By John Maggs After 10 years as inspector general of the Interior Department, Earl Devaney is on leave to head up the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, an oversight panel set up to put

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Appeals court rules that police officers’ complaints not protected speech

In a split decision, a federal appeals court ruled that officers’ complaints about a superior’s conduct were not a public concern and therefore not protected speech. The dissenting judge said the officers had a right to voice their complaints since they addressed the performance, functioning and mismanagement of a public agency. -DB Metropolitan News-Enterprise July 14, 2009 By Kenneth Ofgang Complaints by police officers about their supervisors’ conduct are not protected by the First Amendment, the

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Judge rules sexual harassment policy violates free speech rights

A federal judge ruled that a Los Angeles City College student could express his views opposing gay marriage and proceed with his suit against the the college for financial damages and a ban on a sexual harassment code. -DB Los Angeles Times July 15, 2009 By Gale Holland Saying it violates students’ free speech rights, a federal judge has barred the Los Angeles Community College District from enforcing a sexual harassment policy that bans “offensive” remarks

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Defense department categorizes lawful protests as ‘low-level terrorism’

The ACLU is demanding that the Department of Defense change training materials that the ACLU says equates activism with terrorism. –DB American Civil Liberties Union Press Release June 10, 2009 Anti-terrorism training materials currently being used by the Department of Defense (DoD) teach its personnel that free expression in the form of public protests should be regarded as “low level terrorism.” ACLU attorneys are calling the approach “an egregious insult to constitutional values” and have

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