Coalition News

Responses to Peter Scheer's Commentary on Vallejo's Bankruptcy

In response to Peter’s recent commentary on Vallejo’s Bankruptcy. For most cities staff compensation is the city’s biggest expenditure. There should be more room for citizen oversight and input. One of the most important aspects in need of close scrutiny are a city’s revenue projections. I would guess when Vallejo negotiated and approved staff compensation packages their revenue projections showed they could afford it. Most likely, the public that went along with the raises thought

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China resident responds to Commentary on China's censorship of internet

To: CFAC I read and appreciated your article about China and the Internet which appeared recently in the International Herald Tribune. As a 20 year resident of China who has been on line here since 1996, I am intimately acquainted with the problems one encounters accessing information on line. As China becomes more sophisticated in its monitoring efforts (using equipment and technology developed in no small part by American companies), the situation is generally getting

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AP Sunlight Freedom of Information Awards Announced

Earlier today the Associated Press, in conjunction with CFAC, announced the winners of the 2008 Sunlight Freedom of Information Award. The Sunlight award is given to the two stories in the California-Nevada region that best exemplify the use of public records in an effort to effectively shed light on issues of civic importance. The award is judged and co-sponsored by CFAC and is given in association with the AP Newswriting and Photo Contest, which celebrate

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Subscribe to CFAC's RSS Feed

Have CFAC’s provocative First Amendment news and commentary delivered to you. CFAC now offers an RSS feed that allows people to stay abreast of CFAC news and opinion without even coming to our website — although that’s something we would not encourage. The RSS feed works with iGoogle, myYahoo! and all other RSS readers.

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Scheer appointed to Bench Bar Media committee

Chief Justice Ronald M. George has announced the formation of a committee of judges, lawyers and journalists–including CFAC’s executive director, Peter Scheer–to promote improved relations among the courts, the Bar and the media. Here is a press release from the Judicial Council: Chief Justice George Names Bench Bar Media Steering Committee San Francisco—Chief Justice Ronald M. George today announced the appointment of the Judicial Council’s Bench Bar Media Steering Committee, a panel that will help

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