Coalition News

Press Release

Boalt Hall professor Steve Barnett and Modesto Bee ME Dan Day join CFAC board First Amendment scholar Stephen Barnett and Modesto Bee Managing Editor Dan Day are the newest additions to the California First Amendment Coalition’s board of directors. Barnett is the Elizabeth Josselyn Professor of Law (Emeritus) at Boalt Hall. A leading scholar of First Amendment issues, Barnett is also known for his expertise in California appellate law, both as a teacher and practitioner,

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CFAC sponsors bill to prevent agencies from using anti-SLAPP law to deter citizens' open-gov suits

The California First Amendment Coalition is sponsoring legislation to limit the risk assumed by those who resort to court to force local and state agencies to comply with the open records and open meetings laws. The bill, SB 786, has been introduced by State Senator Leland Yee. SB 786 is directed to lawsuits in which a government agency, defending itself from a claim of violation of the Public Records Act, the Brown Act or the

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Las Vegas Sun series on construction deaths wins Sunlight award

A rookie Las Vegas Sun reporter’s extensive investigation of deaths of construction workers on the Los Vegas strip was the top winner in the Associated Press/California First Amendment Coalition 2009 contest to celebrate tenacious reporting in the public interest. -DB May 5, 2009 Associated Press For her series of over 50 stories on contruction worker deaths, Alexandra Berzon of the Las Vegas Sun won the top newswriting prize in the Associated Press California/Nevada Newswriting and

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Appeal judges hear arguments in CFAC's suit for release of county's digital mapping database

CFAC is awaiting a decision in an appeal of its trial court victory against Santa Clara County for release of the county’s digital “basemap” of real estate parcels, which can be used in various digital mapping applications. Santa Clara County, which has licensed the basemap for tens-of-thousands of dollars, now claims release of the files threatens national security and is barred by federal Homeland Security regulations. Appeals Court judges quizzed lawyers for both sides in

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CFAC joins appeal to permit webcasting of file-sharing case in federal court

CFAC has joined a legal brief urging the federal Court of Appeals in Boston to allow the webcasting of court hearings in a music file-sharing lawsuit filed by the recording industry. Although TV cameras are permitted in California state trial courts on a case-by-case basis, few federal courts have allowed cameras since an experiment in the 1990s—and the discretion of individual federal district court judges to permit cameras is unclear. The brief, filed yesterday, was

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