Coalition News

FAC’s Duffy Carolan honored by journalists’ group

First Amendment lawyer Duffy Carolan–who is also a long-time Board member of the First Amendment Coalition–will receive a special honor from the Society of Professional Journalists (NorCal Chapter) at an award ceremony on March 16. Carolan, a lawyer in the San Francisco office of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, is receiving the organization’s “Legal Counsel” award in recognition of 20 years of successfully defending media clients, individual journalists and others in free speech, libel, and freedom

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Columbia j-school honors Brugmann for “raising hell and printing the news”

Bruce Brugmann, founding editor of the San Francisco Bay Guardian, and First Amendment Coalition board member, has been named as a 2011 Alumni Award winner by Columbia J-School. Brugmann, who graduated from Columbia in 1958, will be honored at ceremonies in April alongside three other recipients of the 2011 Alumni Award:  HRH Rym Ali; NBC News correspondent Rehema Ellis; and Orlando Sentinel government/politics editor Robert Shaw. In announcing the winners, Columbia-J School described Brugmann’s 40-years

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Criminal prosecution of WikiLeaks bodes ill for U.S. media

If the U.S. succeeds in bringing WikiLeaks to heel for publishing classified documents, it could end up costing the media its ability to publish classified information with impunity. -db Los Angeles Times Editorial December 9, 2010 U.S. officials reportedly are hoping to capitalize on the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London this week by having him extradited to this country for criminal prosecution. Based on what is known about WikiLeaks’ release of hundreds

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FAC, News media urge Supreme Court to limit FOIA exemption in case heard this week

The US Supreme Court yesterday heard arguments in a FOIA personnel exemption case,  Milner v. Department of the Navy.  FAC along with 19 other news organizations filed an amicus brief for the case. The Washington Post‘s and other news accounts suggest the Court was skeptical of the government’s effort to expand a seemingly narrow FOIA exemption in order to withhold records that, while potentially sensitive, are not sensitive enough to warrant classification. At issue is

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SF Bay Guardian’s $21M award stands after CA Supreme Court refuses rival’s request to review amount

The CA Supreme Court declined to review the $21 million damage award a lower court had ordered the SF Weekly to pay its rival, the SF Bay Guardian, in 2008. The Bay Guardian successfully argued that the Weekly had slashed advertising prices to drive the Bay Guardian out of business.  Reportedly, management of the papers are now trying to negotiate a settlement. Bruce Brugmann, the Publisher of the San Francisco Bay Guardian is a member

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