Peter Scheer

The Powerful anti-SOPA protests show why corporations, too, need First Amendment rights

BY PETER SCHEER—Successful technology firms pride themselves on their capacity to disrupt the established order. The reference is usually to a technological advance that poses an existential threat to an entrenched industry or way of doing business. Think of Apple Computer’s impact on the cellphone and music industries, Google on the sale and delivery of advertising, or Amazon on book publishing–to name just a few. But in their recent protests against anti-piracy legislation pending in

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Obama acts on FAC petition against China’s “Great Firewall”

October 19, 2011—The Obama administration on Wednesday said that, using World Trade Organization rules, it was calling on the government of China to answer detailed questions about its censorship of the internet–in particular, the blocking of websites of US-based businesses seeking to tap the vast Chinese consumer market. The announcement, which grows out of an initiative of a free speech nonprofit group, the First Amendment Coalition (FAC), is a significant step in investigating and challenging

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The First Amendment needs your help. NOW.

Join the Challenge! We need to raise exactly $47,209 to meet the overall goal of $400,000. I know you care deeply about freedom of speech and the public’s right to know. These rights of democratic citizenship underlie all others because they enable the people to hold their government accountable. Find out how your contribution will help.

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Legislature approves FAC-sponsored bill on cell phone privacy. Will Brown sign it?

SB 914, a FAC-sponsored bill to prohibit warrantless searches of cell phones during an arrest, has been approved by the California Legislature. The legislation now goes to the Governor’s office, where, because of opposition by law enforcement, its fate is uncertain. The Senate yesterday approved the bill, which was introduced by Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), by a bipartisan 31-4 vote. It was approved by the Assembly in August. Police ordinarily have authority, following an

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