Peter Scheer

Apple v Samsung appeals court signals interest in transparency issue

Like the Vatican puffing smoke, a federal appeals court–in a case involving FAC–has signaled that it is taking seriously the issue of transparency in patent infringement litigation. The case is an appeal from the massive Apple v. Samsung suit. Both parties have appealed to the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to void rulings by the trial judge that order the companies to unseal–that is, make public–financial and other records that they filed

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Instead of delays at all airports, let’s sequester Congress and shut down the airports serving D.C.

BY PETER SCHEER–U.S. aviation officials are warning of severe flight delays due to furloughs of air traffic controllers triggered by the sequester’s across-the-board budget cuts. I have a better idea. Instead of furloughing controllers across the country, the Federal Aviation Administration should just shut down all major airports for the nation’s capital: Reagan National, Dulles and Baltimore-Washington International. This will achieve the same cost savings while trapping members of Congress in Washington until they do

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For Obama’s Nominee to Head CIA: a Few Questions on Use of Drone Strikes

BY PETER SCHEER—John Brennan, President Obama’s nominee for Director of the CIA, has the bad luck of having to testify before Congress just days after publication of a Justice Department “white paper” containing the administration’s legal justification for the targeted killing of high-level Al Qaeda members who are also American citizens. The undated and unsigned white paper, provided to selected members of Congress (who, presumably, are also leading suspects for the leaking of the document to

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FAC & Reporters Committee file briefs in Apple v. Samsung secrecy appeal

The First Amendment Coalition on Monday filed an amicus brief in an appeal of a secrecy ruling in the Apple v. Samsung patent infringement litigation. FAC is participating to defend the trial judge’s ruling directing the unsealing of certain confidential financial records filed under seal by both Apple and Samsung. Also filed Monday: a media amicus brief prepared by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and submitted on behalf of the New York

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FAC joins Apple v Samsung appeal to urge disclosure of confidential records filed in court “under seal”

The First  Amendment Coalition has entered into the Apple v. Samsung patent infringement lawsuit in order to advocate for public disclosure of confidential financial records that both Apple and Samsung filed in court under seal. Apple and Samsung have both appealed an August 9 ruling by the trial court Judge, Lucy Koh, ordering the unsealing of many (but not all) of the sealed records. FAC, a nonprofit organization dedicated to free speech and open-government, filed

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