donal brown

Federal court to re-hear open meeting law case

The full appeals court in New Orleans will consider a case decided by a three-judge panel that ruled that the Texas Open Meetings Act violated elected officials’ free speech rights by requiring a quorum to discuss government business outside a public meeting. -DB Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Commentary July 30, 2009 By Hannah Bergman A federal appellate court rightly decided this week to re-hear a case on the constitutionality of the Texas Open

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Security concerns may shut down military social networks for military personnel

Just as the U.S. military is beginning to embrace Twitter and Facebook, it may have to close these sites down to keep out hackers and cybercrooks. -DB Wired July 30, 2009 By Noah Shachtman The U.S. military is strongly considering a near-total ban on Twitter, Facebook, and all other social networking sites throughout the Department of Defense, multiple sources within the armed forces tell Danger Room. It’s the latest twist in the Defense Department’s tangled relationship

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Report finds states lag in providing tracking of stimulus spending

A Washington research firm representing 35 public interest groups has found deficiencies in the Web performances of states as they track stimulus spending. Only four states were found to provide employment data when job creation is one of the chief goals of the recovery plan. -DB NextGov July 29, 2009 By Aliya Sternstein A study released on Wednesday criticizes most state Web sites that track stimulus spending, specifically finding fault with their coverage of job creation,

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Gates case: Disorderly conduct or protected speech?

Concerning the arrest of the Harvard Professor Louis Gates, a commentator for Forbes Magazine says it is important to look beyond the racial and class issues to those of the First Amendment. Does loud and offensive necessarily constitute disorderly conduct? -DB Forbes Magazine Commentary July 28, 2009 By Harvey A. Silverglate The now-infamous Gates story has gone through the familiar media spin-cycle: incident, reaction, response, so on and so forth. Drowned out of this echo chamber

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Oregon: Environmental groups win release of list of people affected by pipeline

The U.S. District Court ordered the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to release a list of people affected by a proposed gas pipeline. Two environmental groups had requested the list under the Freedom of Information Act. -DB The Daily Astorian July 28,2009 The U.S. District Court in Portland has ruled in favor of Columbia Riverkeeper and Willamette Riverkeeper in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit regarding the Palomar pipeline. The Court ordered the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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