donal brown

California governor signs bill protecting citizens seeking open government

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger singed a bill limiting the ability of state and local public agencies to collect attorney’s fees under the anti-SLAPP law. -DB California Newspaper Publishers Association August 7, 2009 A barrier to citizen enforcement of the state’s public records and open meeting laws was eliminated yesterday when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 786 by Sen. LelandYee (D-San Francisco). Pushed by CNPA, the California First Amendment Coalition and Californians Aware, the new law limits the

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California one of few states requiring timely reporting of medical errors

After errors causing the deaths of two patients, in 2007 California passed tough laws backed by substantial fines requiring hospitals to promptly report serious medical errors. California is one of only five states with laws requiring public reporting of errors including the health facilities responsible. -DB San Francisco Chronicle August 9, 2009 By Lance Williams In the summer of 2005, a 12-year-old girl with pneumonia died at the Kaiser hospital in Santa Clara when nurses accidentally

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Clear Lake: Rare prosecution for Brown Act violation dropped

Saying that the remedies were civil, the Lake County district attorney dropped a misdemeanor charge of violating the Brown Act brought when a Clearlake City Council member allegedly violated the confidentiality of a closed session by discussing an evaluation of the city administrator. -DB Lake County News August 6, 2009 By Elizabeth Larson CLEARLAKE – The Lake County District Attorney’s Office is dropping a misdemeanor charge of violating the Brown Act against a Clearlake City

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Patterson: Health care board holds no public discussion on key issue

A Patterson Irrigator editorial says the Del Puerto Health Care District was bending open government laws when it met in closed session to discuss extending a purchase agreement for a new health center. -DB Patterson Irrigator Editorial August 6, 2009 The Del Puerto Health Care District board of directors recessed to closed session some 30 minutes into its July 28 meeting. The directors took a representative and a consultant from the Keystone Corp. with them. Those

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San Francisco’s Library Commission reprimanded for silencing speaker

The San Francisco Library Commission got a stern letter from the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force for restricting the comments of a member of the public. -DB San Francisco Examiner August 5, 2009 By Brent Begin Jewelle Gomez, president of the Library Commission, was sent a stern letter from the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force today for violating open government laws.

 Gomez broke the rules at a June 4 meeting when she silenced a member of the public

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